Celebrating 10 years of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part 2
Ten years ago, Harry Potter and the Wizarding World graced our screens for what felt like for the final time. Little did we know that 10 years on we would be re-watching all 9 movies over and over and the Harry Potter franchise would live on to be one of the biggest phenomena of all time.
From Harry’s final showdown with Voldemort to Neville’s breathtaking “hero” scene, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 isn’t just another instalment of the beloved franchise, it’s an action-packed and heartbreaking conclusion to Harry’s story!
Just like every Harry Potter movie, it should come as no surprise that the movie is filled with an incredible amount of iconic moments that we will never forget!
To celebrate its 10 year anniversary, we wanted to look back on some of our favourite moments from the movie.
When Ron and Hermione Kiss for the first time
We waited HOW LONG?! Through the awkward flirting and tense moments, we finally got the moment we had all been waiting for.
“After all this time? Always”
It took us a long time to understand Severus Snape. We were led to believe that he hated Harry but in Deathly Hallows - Part 2 we were presented with the biggest plot twist. When Snape told Harry to take his memories in his dying moments, it was revealed that Severus Snape’s Patronus was also a doe, which symbolised his love for Lily Potter.
I think we can all agree that discovering Snape’s true role in this series is not only one of the most iconic scenes in the movie, but perhaps the most heartbreaking moment in the entire series!
When Professor McGonagall Protects Hogwarts
Another goosebump moment. When Professor McGonagall led the defence of Hogwarts, this iconic moment left us in awe. Watching Professor McGonagall perform the “Piertotum Locomotor” spell solidified to us just how much of a legend Professor McGonagall is.
Neville Longbottom standing up to Lord Voldemort
Join us in saying that Neville Longbottom is the unsung hero of the Harry Potter series. When Neville stood alone and unarmed against Lord Voldemort himself, we were celebrating his bravery and cheering him on from our sofas. We love you Neville Longbottom!
“Not my daughter, you bitch!
We couldn’t talk about the most iconic moments in the final Harry Potter movie without mentioning this outrageously baddass, incredibly emotional and brilliantly funny moment! We adore the Weasleys and seeing Molly Weasley (the ultimate mother of the whole franchise) step up to Bellatrix to protect her family has got to be one of the series’ most iconic moments in our eyes! #TeamWeasley
Harry accepts his fate
As mentioned previously, Deathly Hallows Part 2 is filled with iconic moments that will stay with us forever. Despite being full of breathtaking and inspiring moments, only a few compare to this scene. Watching Harry enter the Forbidden Forest to sacrifice himself and save his friends is outrageously powerful, inspiring and definitely a real nail-biting sequence to watch. It also made us quite emotional when you think back to the first chapter of the young wizard’s journey!
Neville Kills Nagini
We all love a great underdog story! After already giving one hell of a speech and standing up to Voldemort, it’s ridiculously fulfilling to see Neville step-up yet again to save the Wizarding World and destroy the final Horcrux, Nagini.
Harry Defeats Voldemort
For some, the outcome was too predictable and even though we always knew this moment would happen eventually, we couldn’t write our top HP moments without including this epic showdown.
The final battle. Saving the Wizarding World and defeating his lifelong adversary? Harry Potter did that. Seeing Harry and the Dark Lord go head-to-head is nothing short of perfect and was everything we could’ve imagined and more.
Although, we’re still shook by Harry snapping the Elder Wand. Bad move Harry.
Do you have a favourite moment in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part 2? Let us know in the comments section below!
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