A Christmas Eve Tale by Simon Mortimer

A Christmas Eve Tale by Simon Mortimer

Get ready for Santa's arrival with A Christmas Eve Tale by Simon Mortimer.

When it comes to the festive season, Christmas Eve is one of our favourites. 

Whether it's hanging up stockings or sitting down with a tub of Quality Street to watch Christmas movies, Christmas traditions have made Christmas Eve a magical night like no other.

From Christmas Eve boxes to baking cookies for Santa, everything about Christmas Eve, we absolutely love!

With it being one of the most magical nights of the year, what better way to celebrate than to read a festive tale to your little ones? 

If you're looking for a book to fuel your little one's imagination even further, then look no further.

Introducing A Christmas Eve Tale by Simon Mortimer. Whether you're looking to keep the little ones occupied whilst doing some last minute wrapping or you just want to feel festive, A Christmas Eve Tale is a timeless magical Christmas Tale that brings the Christmas feeling to all the family. 

What's A Christmas Eve Tale about? 

A Christmas Eve Tale is a story based on the magic of Christmas Eve and Santa's annual visit to children's houses all over the world.

The blurb reads:

"The Christmas Tree is decorated, the lights are up, it's cold outside and snow is falling. Santa and his reindeer are on their way - it's Christmas Eve. A treat has been left and the family have gone to bed hoping Santa will visit.

As night falls, the air is still and there's a sense of anticipation and magic in the air. You can feel butterflies in your stomach. 

Then on this Christmas night, the family hear what can only be Santa Claus, his sleigh and reindeer soaring through the cold night sky and landing on their roof to deliver their Christmas surprises."

From the use of rhyming language to the bright and bold illustrations, everything about this book just screams Christmas and we absolutely love it! 

The aim of the tale is to bring that feeling of excitement and anticipation to children and families in the build up to Christmas in a fun and engaging way, and it certainly does that!

Christmas is the perfect time to settle down with your family for a story and A Christmas Eve Tale by Simon Mortimer is sure to do the trick this Christmas. With being such an easy and light read, we think A Christmas Eve Tale could easily become a new favourite bedtime tradition for the most magical night of the year. 

A Christmas Eve Tale is a beautiful story to share with the little ones at Christmas and will most definitely get the kids ready for the arrival of Santa on Christmas Day! It would also make a perfect gift to include in your little ones' Christmas Eve boxes!

So get your matching family Christmas pyjamas on and snuggle up on the sofa with A Christmas Eve Tale this Christmas! 

If you would like to buy a copy of the book, click here.



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